Installs wp-cli
cookbook 'wp-cli', '~> 0.1.4'
Configures wsus client
cookbook 'wsus-client', '~> 3.0.0'
Installs wsus server
cookbook 'wsus-server', '~> 2.3.3'
Installs/Configures wync
cookbook 'wync', '~> 0.1.3'
Installs/Configures x11vnc
cookbook 'x11vnc', '~> 0.0.6'
Installs/Configures x264
cookbook 'x264', '~> 0.6.0'
Installs/Configures x2go
cookbook 'x2go', '~> 0.1.0'
Installs/Configures x2go-client
cookbook 'x2go-client', '~> 1.1.0'
Deploy a Chef-managed Certificate Authority
cookbook 'x509', '~> 1.1.0'
Installs/Configures xampp_linux_7_0
cookbook 'xampp_linux_7_0', '~> 0.1.1'
Installs/Configures xbuild
cookbook 'xbuild', '~> 0.1.0'
Installs Apple XCode and command-line tools
cookbook 'xcode', '~> 1.3.0'
Installs/Configures xdebug
cookbook 'xdebug', '~> 1.0.0'
Spawn new VMs from a base image, using Xen tools
cookbook 'xen', '~> 1.0.0'
Installs the XenServer Tools
cookbook 'xenserver-tools', '~> 0.1.0'
Sets up xfce4 desktop environment
cookbook 'xfce4', '~> 0.1.0'
Installs/Configures xinetd
cookbook 'xinetd', '~> 2.1.2'
Installs and configures XL Deploy from XebiaLabs
cookbook 'xldeploy', '~> 1.0.2'
Installs and configures XL Release from XebiaLabs
cookbook 'xlrelease', '~> 1.0.4'
Provides a resource and provider for incremental editing of XML files
cookbook 'xmledit', '~> 4.0.0'